Tinta Emas Institute
In Collaboration with:
Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia
Institut Elkatarie
Peer Review Process
Jurnal ETS (English and Tourism Studies) is a journal that applies the peer review process. Peer reviewers will review all articles submitted to Jurnal ETS (English and Tourism Studies). The review process uses a double-blind review system, in which the reviewer does not know the author's identity, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers. In the review process, the peer reviewer gives consideration related to the suitability between the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion, and conclusions. In addition, reviewers also consider novelty, scientific impact, and reference. In general, each article will be reviewed by one to two reviewers. The response of these reviewers will be the basis for the editor to determine whether an article is acceptable or to be rejected. The article can be rejected to be published in Jurnal ETS (English and Tourism Studies) due to various considerations, including the article not following the focus and scope, and the article being insufficient to be classified as a scientific article.