
  • Frontier Advances in Applied Science and Engineering

    Frontier Advances in Applied Science and Engineering
    Unveiling Tomorrow's Innovations Today - Where Science and Engineering Converge for a Sustainable World.

    E-ISSN: 3026-5339

    Citedness in Google Scholar Scopus | Dimensions

    Pushing the boundaries of applied science and engineering, "Frontier Advances in Applied Science and Engineering (FAASE)" serves as a conduit for pioneering research that unlocks the doors to sustainable progress. Our journal is dedicated to disseminating groundbreaking discoveries, innovations, and insights across an array of disciplines. Encompassing mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, geography, agriculture, technology, and more, FAASE offers an open-access platform that fosters knowledge democratization. With biannual issues in January and July, FAASE harmonizes diverse contributions, from Research Papers and Review Articles to Scientific Data and Reports on Technological Applications. Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and guided by the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) framework, FAASE inspires researchers to orchestrate symphonies of impactful research, propelling the realm of applied science and engineering towards a harmonious and sustainable future.

     2 weeks 4-8 weeks
    Submission to first decision Peer-review speed
    Authors benefit:
    Open access—free access for everyone.
    Continuous publication—accepted articles will be published soon.
  • Journal Electrical and Computer Experiences

    Journal Title
    : Journal Electrical and Computer Experiences
    : 2987-9167
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.59535/ECE by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor Supreth S
    Publisher : Tinta Emas Publisher
    In Collaboration with
    : -
    : 2 issues per year (January-June | July-December)
    Citation Analysis
    : DOAJ| Garuda | Google Scholar
    1-3 Days 8-12 weeks 4 weeks
     Submission to first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

    Journal Electrical and Computer Experiences (JECE) is a scholarly journal focused on the fields of electrical and computer technology. JECE is a peer-reviewed journal (single-blind review) published by Tinta Emas Publisher. The journal accepts articles related to electrical engineering, computer engineering, signal processing, computer networks, robotics, artificial intelligence, and other related topics. JECE publishes high-quality articles that undergo a rigorous peer-review process conducted by experts in their respective fields. As a valuable source of information for practitioners and professionals in the industry, JECE aims to advance and promote the development of science and technology in the fields of electrical and computer engineering.

  • Education Specialist

    Journal Title
    : Education Specialist
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.59535/ES by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor Tismen Yoga Pradana
    Publisher : Tinta Emas Publisher
    In Collaboration with
    : Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia (Society) -> MoU
      Institut Elkatarie (Institutions) -> MoU
    : 2 issues per year (biannuals)
    Citation Analysis
    : DOAJ| Garuda | Google Scholar
    1-3 Days 8-12 weeks 4 weeks
     Submission to first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

    Education Specialist is a multidisciplinary education journal that aims to promote high-quality research and scholarly discussion in the field of education. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars, researchers, and practitioners from various disciplines and backgrounds, including education, psychology, sociology, anthropology, and linguistics, among others.

    Education Specialist covers a wide range of topics related to education, including but not limited to, educational policy and administration, curriculum development, instructional design, educational technology, assessment and evaluation, and teacher education. The journal is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding of educational theory, research, and practice through the publication of research articles, literature reviews, and case studies.

    Education Specialist follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of its publications. All submissions undergo a double-blind review by experts in the field, and the journal adheres to strict ethical standards and guidelines for publication. The journal also provides open access to all its publications, ensuring that research findings and insights are available to a wide audience of educators and researchers.

    Education Specialist is published twice a year, in April and October (Unless there is co-publication with conference organizers), and follows a strict publication schedule. The journal is a valuable resource for educators, policymakers, and researchers seeking to explore new perspectives and approaches in education. The multidisciplinary focus of the journal provides a unique platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration, facilitating the development of innovative and effective educational practices.

  • Journal of Social and Humanities

    Journal Title
    : Journal of Social and Humanities
    DOI Prefix
    : Prefix 10.59535/jsh by Crossref 
    Editor in Chief
    Managing Editor Bisri Mustopa
    Publisher : Tinta Emas Publisher
    In Collaboration with : Ikatan Pesantren Indonesia (Society) -> MoU
      Institut Elkatarie (Institutions) -> MoU
    : Biannual (October-Maret | April-September)
    Citation Analysis
    : DOAJ| Garuda | Google Scholar
    1-3 Days 8-12 weeks 4 weeks
     Submission to first decision Peer-review speed (Regular) Peer-review speed (Fast track)

    The journal available on the website is the Journal of Social Humanities (JSH). JSH is a journal published by Tinta Emas Publisher collaborates with Institut Studi Islam Sunan Doe, Indonesia. The journal focuses on sociology, anthropology, and other humanities studies.

    JSH publishes research articles, ideas, and concepts in academic writing form that are reviewed by experts in their fields. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. JSH aims to broaden the understanding and insight into social and humanities phenomena that occur in Indonesia and other countries.

    Some of the topics discussed in JSH include Sociological Theory, Sociological Research Methodology, Anthropology, Globalization, Identity, Social Change, Community Development, and others. The articles published in JSH can be accessed online through the journal's website. JSH encourages researchers, academics, practitioners, and observers in the fields of sociology and humanities to contribute to the development of science and understanding of society.

  • Economy and Finance Enthusiastic

    Journal title : Economy and Finance Enthusiastic 
    Abbreviation : EFE
    ISSN : 2988-6937 (e)
    DOI Prefix : 10.59535/efe
    Type of peer-review : Single-blind  
    Indexing : Google Scholar and view more  
    Frequency : 2 issues/year (Mar, Sept)
    Business model : OA, Author-Pays  
    Journal History : See Journal history  
    Editors : See Editorial Team  
    Citation analysis : | Google Scholar Sinta |
    Journal cover: get here
    2 weeks 4-8 weeks
    Submission to first decision Peer-review speed

    Economy and Finance Enthusiastic (abbreviated as Econ. Finance Enthus.) is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering multidisciplinary research in the fields of economy and finance. The journal aims to provide a platform for in-depth discussions and analyses of pertinent issues within the scope of the journal, examining empirical studies in various subfields including, but not limited to: 1) macroeconomics, 2) microeconomics, 3) financial markets and institutions, 4) corporate finance, 5) international finance, and 6) behavioral finance.

    As an open-access publication, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. welcomes original research articles, review articles, and short communications that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in economy and finance. The journal publishes two issues per year, with the first issue released in January and the second issue in July.

    To ensure the highest quality and integrity of published works, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. employs a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy. This means that the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous throughout the peer-review process, ensuring unbiased evaluation and maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence.

    By providing a comprehensive platform for multidisciplinary research in economy and finance, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. aims to facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, foster scholarly collaboration, and contribute to the growth and development of the field.

  • English and Tourism Studies

    Journal title : English and Tourism Studies 
    Abbreviation : ETS
    ISSN : 2988-0548 (e)
    DOI Prefix : 10.59535/ets
    Type of peer-review : Single-blind  
    Indexing : Google Scholar and view more  
    Frequency : 2 issues/year (May, December)
    Business model : OA, Author-Pays  
    Journal History : See Journal history  
    Editors : See Editorial Team  
    Citation analysis : | Google Scholar Sinta |
    Journal cover: get here
    2 weeks 4-8 weeks
    Submission to first decision Peer-review speed
    English and Tourism Studies (ETS) with E-ISSN 2988-0548 is a peer-reviewed journal aimed at fostering in-depth discussions and critiques of key issues related to English language studies and tourism. ETS seeks to promote high-impact and innovative research that is relevant to both academics and practitioners in the fields of English language studies and tourism. The journal encourages various approaches to studying the English language and tourism, bringing together researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds for interdisciplinary and post-disciplinary debates.

    ETS welcomes original research articles, literature reviews, conceptual papers, and practical case studies that contribute to advancing knowledge in English language studies and tourism. The journal encourages submissions addressing emerging issues, proposing novel methodologies, and offering practical implications for the academic and professional communities.

    By providing a platform for scholarly exchange and dissemination, ETS aims to contribute to the growth and development of English language studies and tourism, ultimately fostering a deeper understanding of their interconnectedness and impact on society.

    Author Testimonials   
  • Socio-Economic and Humanistic Aspects for Township and Industry

    This journal contains experiences in the world of engineering and technology which are not limited to the focus but with other fields that intersect with this knowledge.