Journal title : Economy and Finance Enthusiastic 
Abbreviation : EFE
ISSN : 2988-6937 (e)
DOI Prefix : 10.59535/efe
Type of peer-review : Single-blind  
Indexing : Google Scholar and view more  
Frequency : 2 issues/year (Mar, Sept)
Business model : OA, Author-Pays  
Journal History : See Journal history  
Editors : See Editorial Team
Citation analysis : | Google Scholar | Sinta |
Journal cover: get here
2 weeks 4-8 weeks
Submission to first decision Peer-review speed

Economy and Finance Enthusiastic (abbreviated as Econ. Finance Enthus.) is a single-blind peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fostering multidisciplinary research in the fields of economy and finance. The journal aims to provide a platform for in-depth discussions and analyses of pertinent issues within the scope of the journal, examining empirical studies in various subfields including, but not limited to: 1) macroeconomics, 2) microeconomics, 3) financial markets and institutions, 4) corporate finance, 5) international finance, and 6) behavioral finance.

As an open-access publication, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. welcomes original research articles, review articles, and short communications that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in economy and finance. The journal publishes two issues per year, with the first issue released in January and the second issue in July.

To ensure the highest quality and integrity of published works, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. employs a rigorous double-blind reviewing policy. This means that the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous throughout the peer-review process, ensuring unbiased evaluation and maintaining the highest standards of academic excellence.

By providing a comprehensive platform for multidisciplinary research in economy and finance, the Econ. Finance Enthus. J. aims to facilitate the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge, foster scholarly collaboration, and contribute to the growth and development of the field.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): October-Maret
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