Peer Review Process
Desk Review Each manuscript submitted will be initially examined by the editor to ensure that it meets the journal's writing standards and format. If the manuscript does not meet these criteria, it will be returned to the author for improvement.
Peer Review After passing the desk review, the manuscript will be sent to at least two independent reviewers who are experts in the related field. The review process is conducted in a double-blind manner, meaning that the reviewers and authors do not know each other's identity. The reviewers will evaluate the manuscript based on the following aspects:
- Relevance and originality of the research
- Significance of the research contribution
- Soundness of the research methodology
- Clarity and coherence of the writing
- Adequacy and accuracy of data analysis and interpretation
- Appropriateness of the conclusion and implications
- Decision The editor will make a decision based on the reviewers' recommendations, which includes the following options:
- Accept without revisions
- Accept with minor revisions
- Accept with major revisions
- Reject
Revision If the manuscript is accepted with revisions, the author will be asked to revise the manuscript according to the reviewers' comments and suggestions. The author must provide a detailed response to each reviewer's comment and justify any changes made.
Final Decision After the author submits the revised manuscript, the editor will make a final decision based on the reviewer's comments and suggestions. The author will be notified whether the manuscript is accepted for publication or rejected.
Education Specialist journal is committed to providing high-quality and ethical peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of its publications.