The Relationship between Self-Compassion and Self-Efficacy with Academic Resilience among Students at Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang
Academic Resilience, Challenges, Self Compassion, Self Efficacy, StudentsAbstract
Students commonly encounter various challenges and difficulties during their college years, necessitating academic resilience. As a result, academic resilience becomes a crucial quality for every student to possess. This study aims to explore the relationship between self-compassion and self-efficacy with academic resilience among students at Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang. The research population consisted of 14,498 students, and a sample of 100 students was selected using the incidental sampling technique. The study employs a quantitative correlational research method, utilizing three measurement instruments: academic resilience, self-compassion, and self-efficacy. The data analysis method used is multiple correlation testing. The research findings reveal that: 1) There is a positive correlation between self-compassion and academic resilience among students at Walisongo State Islamic University; 2) There is a positive correlation between self-efficacy and academic resilience among students at Walisongo State Islamic University; and 3) There is a positive correlation between self-compassion and self-efficacy with academic resilience among students at Walisongo State Islamic University. The higher the level of self-compassion in students, the greater their academic resilience. Likewise, the higher the level of self-efficacy in students, the greater their academic resilience. Therefore, it is crucial for students to cultivate both self-compassion and self-efficacy to enhance their academic resilience. The results of this study are valuable for improving students' self-compassion and self-efficacy, providing a basis for establishing counseling services at universities, and offering insights for future research to explore other variables related to academic resilience.
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