Screening Plagiarism

Statement and Policy 

Frontier Advances in Applied Science and Engineering (FAASE) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct. Plagiarism, similarity, and improper paraphrasing undermine the principles of originality and integrity in research. As such, FAASE has a strict plagiarism policy in place to ensure the authenticity and credibility of all content published in our journal.

Similarity Level 

FAASE uses advanced plagiarism detection software to assess the similarity of submitted manuscripts with existing literature. Authors are advised to aim for a similarity level of less than 15%. Submissions exceeding this threshold may be subject to further scrutiny.

Plagiarism, Similarity, and Paraphrasing

Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. Copying verbatim text from another source without proper citation.
  2. Paraphrasing existing content without appropriate attribution.
  3. Using figures, tables, or images from other works without permission or citation.
  4. Submitting a previously published work as original.
  5. Self-plagiarism or redundant publication without clear citation to the original source.

FAASE considers all forms of plagiarism, similarity, and improper paraphrasing as serious violations of academic ethics and reserves the right to take appropriate actions in such cases.

Similarity Level Explanation

  • Similarity Index above 40%: Article Rejected: A similarity index above 40% indicates significant overlap between the submitted manuscript and existing sources. Poor citation and/or paraphrasing will result in outright rejection, and NO RESUBMISSION will be accepted.
  • Similarity Index (15-40%): Send to the Author for Improvement: A similarity index between 15% and 40% suggests moderate overlap with existing sources. Authors will be given an opportunity to revise their manuscript by providing correct citations and improving paraphrasing.
  • Similarity Index Less than 15%: Accepted or Citation Improvement Required: A similarity index below 15% indicates minimal overlap with existing sources. Manuscripts may be accepted, or citation improvement may be required to ensure proper attribution.

Additional Information:

  • Authors are responsible for ensuring that all content, including text, figures, tables, and citations, in their submitted manuscript is original or properly attributed.
  • Proper citation and attribution should be provided for all external sources, including published works, data, and ideas.
  • FAASE retains the right to use plagiarism detection software to assess submissions at any stage of the review process.
  • Manuscripts found to have significant plagiarism or similarity issues may be rejected or subject to revision, as determined by the editorial team.
  • In cases of minor similarity, authors may be required to revise and properly attribute content before the manuscript is considered for publication.

At FAASE, we uphold the importance of academic integrity and encourage authors to engage in ethical research practices. By adhering to our plagiarism policy, authors contribute to the credibility and authenticity of scholarly discourse in the field of applied science and engineering.