Peer Review Process

  1. Initial Editorial Screening: The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor to determine whether it meets the journal's scope and quality standards.

  2. Assignment of Reviewers: If the manuscript passes the initial editorial screening, it is assigned to at least two expert reviewers in the relevant field for a double-blind review process.

  3. Peer Review: The reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on several criteria, such as the originality of the research, the clarity of the research question and objectives, the appropriateness of the research methods, and the validity of the findings. They may also suggest revisions and improvements to the manuscript.

  4. Reviewer Recommendations: After completing their evaluation, the reviewers make a recommendation to the editor based on their assessment of the manuscript's suitability for publication. The possible recommendations are acceptance, acceptance with minor revisions, acceptance with major revisions, or rejection.

  5. Editor Decision: The Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor reviews the feedback and recommendations from the reviewers and makes the final decision regarding the manuscript's fate. The decision is communicated to the authors, along with the reviewers' feedback and recommendations.

Overall, JSH employs a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the articles published in the journal.