
Registration for the International Editorial Boards and Reviewers Team for Tinta Emas Journal


Tinta Emas Journal, a reputable agency in book publishing, scientific work, and consulting in training and education, invites researchers, academics, professionals, and practitioners worldwide—particularly from developing countries—to join our Editorial and Reviewers Team. The journal operates under the Institute for Research and Community Service of Tinta Emas, providing support to educators and researchers globally.

Read more about Registration for the International Editorial Boards and Reviewers Team for Tinta Emas Journal

Classroom Experiences (E-ISSN 2988-3849) is a peer-reviewed journal that focuses on action research conducted within classroom educational settings. The journal provides a platform for educators, teachers, and education practitioners to share their research findings and experiences in improving teaching practices and enhancing learning outcomes. It covers a wide range of topics including instructional methodologies, curriculum design, classroom management, technology integration, and professional development. Classroom Experiences follows a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality of published articles. The journal is published biannually, with issues scheduled for release in January-June and July-December. It serves as a valuable resource for educators, researchers, and policymakers interested in evidence-based practices and continuous improvement in classroom education.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): December

This issue consists of 5 articles contributed by more than 23 authors affiliated with more than 23 affiliations from 15 countries including Indonesia (Universitas Negeri Malang, Universitas PGRI Madiun, Universitas Negeri Semarang, State Vocational School 3 Singaraja, STKIP Taman Siswa Bima, SDN 47 Kota Bima), Autralia (University of Tasmania, Murdoch University), Turkey (KastamonuUniversity), Israel (University of Haifa), Mauritius (University of Mauritius), Malaysia (Universiti Teknologi MARA), Iran (University of Allameh Tabataba’I), Taiwan (Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Kazakhstan (Altynsarin Arkalyk pedagogical Institute), Netherland (Wageningen University), Pakistan (University of Dhaka), Nigeria (University of Delta), Poland (Politechnika Wrocławska), United Kingdom (Loughborough University), and Kenya (RTI International).

Published: 2024-08-13
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